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AkaRobert Wright MEIKLEJOHN [402]
BirthMale; Warwick UK
DeathDeceased, age not recorded


1        Married
BirthFemale; 17 Oct 1874; Ashwood House, Kingswinford, Staffordshire UK
Baptism20 Oct 1897; Fraser River Mission, Fraser Valley, British Columbia, Canada [382]
DeathDeceased, age not recorded
Marriage 15 June 1905, Toronto, Canada
No issue

Notes for Robert MERKLESON

aka Robert Wright MEIKLEJOHN said to be from Alberta, Canada. [402]

Clearly some confusion over this chap's name! [269]

Notes for Helena Brooke BODINGTON

St Catherine's House records show Helena's birth registered October to December 1874 at Stourbridge, Warwickshire UK. Vol. 6c page 229. She was baptised at age 23 by which time the family had migrated to British Columbia, Canada. [351]

Helena, together with her sister Winifred, appears to have been baptised twice, just a few days apart, in two different churches! The first baptism is recorded above. The second was conducted on 28th October 1897 at St John The Devine, Derby, Yale, Maple Ridge. [382]


269.  Personal information, Tim Boddington (Webmaster)
350.  Document, Ann Johnston, 2 December 2007
351.  Document, Deborah Bodington, RI USA, March 2008
382.  Public archive, 06 June 2016, British Columbia Archives, Baptism B16229
402.  Document, Frederick Arthur Crisp, 1911, Visitation of England and Wales, volume 17, copy #250, Privately printed, List of Pedigrees

Person record last updated: 23 Sept 2022

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