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The tragedy of Robert & Martha BODDINGTON

Paul Butcher has transcribed a hand written book from 1903 which records all the gravestones in the churchyard at West Haddon, Northampton. He came across this one which records the tragic story of two lost children by the name of Martha Boddington.

The grave stone in West Haddon still exists but only one of the three in Rugby (see below) is still there.

Click here for their records on the family tree.

Boddington, Martha & Martha

Record No. 83

Upright slate. Rather small and tapering

Gravestone image
III 75 “Feb 18 Martha Daughter of Robert & Martha Boddington was buried

III 79 1797 “Martha Daur of Robt & M Boddington Dec 11th”

Boddington notes:- N&Q 7th S X, 388,428, 449

Gents May 1792 April pp 3889

N&Q 7th XI, 428 30/5/91 10 S IV 216

St Andrews Church, Rugby

Three stones stand side by side in the churchyard facing the tower on the western door of St Andrew's Church, Rugby, Warwickshire:
  • Elizabeth Boddington wife of Edward died March 21 1783 aged 65.
  • Robert Boddington died Sept 23 1833, aged 74.
  • Martha, wife of Robert died June 28 1833 aged 74.
  • Mary Boddington wife of William died May 15th 1839 aged 47.

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