Boddington families
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Spouse: |
Married |
Name | Agnes Louise STILLMAN [34] | Birth | Female; About 1852; Islay, Bershire UK | Birth Memo | Islay should probably be Ilsley | Death | Deceased, age not recorded | Residence | UK |
Marriage |
June 1875, Lambeth, Surrey UK (now London) [51] |
Marriage Memo | 16 May 1875? |
Notes for Thomas Enos BODDINGTON 1881 - living at 154 Hollydale Road, Camberwell, Surrey with wife Agnes and children Arthur John (5); Rose Edith (3) and Thomas Enos Albert (1).
Sources 34. | Email, Tony Greatbatch, 15 August 2001 |
51. | Email, Pam Birtles, 4 September 2001 |
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