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BirthMale; 1886; Harborne, Staffordshire UK
Birth MemoBorn Q1 1886
Baptism28 March 1886; St. John's church, Harborne, Staffordshire UK
Death1948, age about 62; Birmingham, Warwickshire UK
Death MemoDied Q4 1948
Occupation1911 census: Turner
Residence1911 census: living in the same house (8 St John's Road, Harborne) as his father and siblings George and Robert.
1930 electoral register: living in same house with with father and brother George.
1931 electoral register: George has moved out (married to Connie).

No displayable spouse recorded in this database


377.  Email, Gary Hamilton-Browne, 17 November 2014
386.  Email, Chris Baranowski, 02 October 2016+

Person record last updated: 1 Feb 2023

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