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BirthMale; 23 July 1849; Edgbaston, Warwickshire UK
Baptism24 Aug 1849; St Luke's, Birmingham UK
DeathDeceased, age not recorded
EducationQueen's College, Oxford, matriculated 30 May 1868, BA 1871, MA 1877
OccupationEcclesiastical, see notes
ResidenceStone House, Cubbington, Warwickshire, UK


1        Married
BirthFemale; 8 Sept 1853
DeathDeceased, age not recorded
BurialUpton Grey, Surrey UK
Marriage 12 Jan 1875, St Mary's, Beddington, Surrey UK [364]
Children (8):Percival James BODINGTON (1876 - )
Cecil Herbert Wyndham BODINGTON (1880 - 1917)
Elizabeth Louise Marion BODINGTON (1882 - 1964)
Winifred Mary BODINGTON (1883 - )
Kenard Charles BODINGTON (1884 - 1967)
Ruth Anna BODINGTON (1885 - )
John Victor BODINGTON (1887 - 1978)
Margaret Ella BODINGTON (1889 - )

Notes for Revd Herbert James BODINGTON

Assistant Master Archbishop Whitgift's School, Croydon, Surrey UK, 1871-75, Curate of Beddington, Surrey UK, 1873-75, and of Buxton, Norfolk UK, 1875-77, Rector of Suffield, Norfolk UK, 1877-1892, Vicar of East Tuddenham with Honnington, Norfolk UK, 1892-98, and of Upton Grey, Hampshire*, 1898 on.

*Upton Grey was in Hampshire in the late 20thC. Some members of this family are recorded as having been in Upton Grey, Surrey - it's the same place.

Family notes for Revd Herbert James BODINGTON and Louise Augusta MARES

Married by Revd Canon Alexander Henry Bridges, assisted by Revd Thomas Ernest Langford-Sainsbury and Revd Josiah Sanders Teulon.


350.  Document, Ann Johnston, 2 December 2007
364.  Document, Visitation of England & Wales

Person record last updated: 31 March 2022

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