Boddington families
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Name | Captain Alfred Huntriss ARNOLD [251] | Birth | Male; 14 Aug 1892 | Death | 30 Dec 1916, age 24; Lady Wimborne’s Auxiliary Hospital at Templeton House, Roehampton, Surrey UK | Death Memo | Died of war wounds suffered on 12th March 1915 | Status | WWI death in service | Education | Uppingham School, Rutland UK | Military | 1912, The Prince of Wales's Own (2nd West Yorkshire Regiment). Seriously injured at Neuve Chapell, France | Residence | UK | Father | Charles Comber ARNOLD ( - 1913) | Mother | Not recorded |
No displayable spouse recorded in this database |
Notes for Captain Alfred Huntriss ARNOLD Family from of Holme Leigh, Skircoal, Halifax, West
Yorkshire UK.
Sources 251. | Document, Rodney Tulloch, 11 April 2001, Boddingtons and Piggotts |
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