Boddington families
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Name | Revd Samuel Rotton PIGGOTT [249],[254] | Birth | Male; April 1809; Stony Street, Nottingham, UK | Baptism | 22 April 1809; St Mary's, Nottingham UK | Death | 1892, age about 83 | Death Memo | Sept qtr 1892 Milton KENT 2a/464 | Education | St Edmund's Hall Oxford BA 1833; Alumni Oxoniensis | Occupation | Deacon 1834, Priest 1835, Vicar of Bredgar near Sittingbourne 1849 | Residence | UK | Father | Revd Solomon PIGGOTT (1779 - 1845) | Mother | Jane ROTTON (1778 - 1866) |
Spouse: |
Marriage |
3 April 1837, St Giles, Camberwell, Surrey UK |
Notes for Revd Samuel Rotton PIGGOTT 1841-91: The Vicarage, Bredgar, Kent UK.
Notes for Catherine Elizabeth DEBAUFER Or DEBAUSER? Also ref IGI v4.02 British Isles film 0170461 page 720 ref 19972. Also same name, different & parent IGI film 170414 page 239 ref 9234.
Sources 249. | Document, Reginald Stewart BODDINGTON, 1889, Pedigree of the Family of BODDINGTON |
252. | Document, B DeBaufer, 9 July 2001 |
254. | Document, ??, 17 October 2009 |
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