Boddington families
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Name | William CHURCH-SMITH [205] | Birth | Male | Death | Deceased, age not recorded | Residence | UK |
Spouse: |
Notes for Ellen Harriett BODDINGTON Remained in England with her grandparents when her parents and siblings went to
Canada, and joined them later.
Charles Boddington family picture:
Standing back row: George Albert, Charles Thomas, William John, Walter
Edward, Ellen Harriett
Sitting middle row: Harriot Louisa, mother Harriett ROE, Elizabeth Eaton,
father Charles BODDINGTON, Alice Dinah, Mary Jane (standing)
Sitting on the floor: Arthur Joseph, Francis James
Sources 6. | Email, John Balmer, 11 February 2001 |
205. | Document, Lynn Coulter née Boddington, 2009, Melody Island Memories, self published |
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