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BirthFemale; 6 July 1930
Death8 Jan 2021, age 90; Nanaimo Regional General Hospital, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada
ResidenceParksville, British Columbia, Canada

Dorothy Joan LeMOINE née Boddington


1        Married
BirthMale; 30 March 1929
DeathDeceased, age not recorded
Marriage 31 May 1952 [154]
Children:Living children not displayed

Notes for Dorothy Joan BODDINGTON

City of Parksville flags were at half-mast to honour the passing of Parksville resident and friend, Joan Lemoine. Joan loved Parksville and cared greatly for the people of Parksville. She was a positive force in the world, the consummate volunteer, generous with her time and endless energy. It was just this past June (2020) that we honoured Joan with the key to the City and celebrated “Joan Lemoine Day in the City of Parksville.” (picture)

“With saddened heart we learn of Joan’s passing. No one personified community spirit like Joan. She touched so many and will be missed, but her memory will live in our hearts forever. Thank you, Joan, for being my friend,” said Mayor Ed Mayne.Joan passed away in Nanaimo Regional General Hospital with her best friend and niece by her side. Our sincere condolences to Joan’s family and her many friends. [339]


154.  Email, Joan LeMoine, 9 April 2006
205.  Document, Lynn Coulter née Boddington, 2009, Melody Island Memories, self published
339.  Email, City of Parksville and Steve Rowland, 09 January 2021

Person record last updated: 1 Feb 2023

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