Boddington families
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Marriage |
3 June 1902, Parish church, Edgbaston, Birmingham [271] |
Notes for Clare 'Clara' BODDINGTON Name - I thought for a long time that her name was Clara. However, I now know it to
have been Clare with a nickname of Clara. [269]
Notes for Frederick Arthur SHAW Shaw family page set: Shaw family ; Frederick Henry
Shaw, obituaries ; Frederick Arthur Shaw, visitor book ; Shaw family and their relationship to the Boddington family .
Family notes for Clare 'Clara' BODDINGTON and Frederick Arthur SHAW I have the visitors book from their home, Metchley, dated 14th September 1902
with a last entry made on 6th October 1906 . [269]
Sources 269. | Personal information, Tim Boddington (Webmaster) |
271. | Email, Frederick Anthony Shaw, 12 November 2014 |
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