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William James BALMER
(1880 - 1945)
Anna Marie KASPER
(1884 - 1970)

Married: 10 Feb 1927 [205]
Grant Vessie WOOD Snr
(1904 - )
Ruth Marie BALMER
(1907 - )
 bd.  22 July 1904
 dd.  Deceased, age not recorded
 res.  USA
 src.   [15],[205]
 bd.  7 Oct 1907
 dd.  Deceased, age not recorded
 res.  USA
 src.   [15],[205]


Living children not displayed

Notes for Ruth Marie BALMER

Ruth wrote a family history book.


15.  Email, Barbara Teague, 6 April 2001
205.  Document, Lynn Coulter née Boddington, 2009, Melody Island Memories, self published

Family record last updated: 17 July 2013

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