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George Ogle MOORE KC MP
(1778 - 1847)
(1763 - 1837)
Elizabeth James ARMSTRONG
( - 1858)
(1761 - 1843)

Revd Lorenzo MOORE
(1808 - 1894)
(1805 - 1894)
 bd.  1 Sept 1808; Blessington Parish, County Wicklow, Ireland
 dd.  13 Aug 1894, age 85; Nelson, New Zealand
 occ.  Major in 5th Madras Light Cavalry, later in Holy Orders
 mil.  Indian Army
 res.  New Zealand
 src.   [350],[387]
 bd.  1805
 dd.  7 March 1894, age about 88; Nelson, New Zealand
 res.  New Zealand
 src.   [350]

Revd Lorenzo MOORE (b.1808)

Children (3):

Mary Elizabeth MOORE (1835 - 1914)
Lorenzo MOORE (1842 - 1916)
Frederick George MOORE (1844 - 1920)

Notes for Lorenzo MOORE

When the Revd. Lorenzo MOORE retired from the army he studied at St. Catherine's College, Cambridge, and became a Church of England priest. He and his family came to Australia where he seems to have relieved at various churches, 12 months at St Paul's, Geelong; 12 months at Pentridge Prison, as a priest, not a prisoner. Twelve months seems to be the time the regular priest went home to the UK for a break and Lorenzo filled in while they were away. Quite a few others.

Eventually they moved to New Zealand and, as far as I can see, never left. I have pages and pages, all about him, he must have been quite a character, but nothing about Elizabeth except I have seen mention of a long and happy marriage. [387]


350.  Document, Ann Johnston, 2 December 2007
387.  Email, Judith Smith, 13 November 2016

Family record last updated: 21 March 2023

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