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Lionel Ayden JAQUES
(1905 - 1964)
Ingrid Maria BÖÖS
(1913 - 2006)
 bd.  31 May 1905; Bromley, Kent UK
 dd.  4 Sept 1964, age 59; Beckenham, Kent UK
 res.  UK
 bd.  26 Oct 1913; Lidköping, Sweden
 dd.  26 April 2006, age 92; Framlands, Wantage, Oxfordshire UK
 res.  UK


Living children not displayed

Mary Edith JAQUES (1940 - 2022)
Elisabeth Ingrid JAQUES (1942 - 2006)

Notes for Ingrid Maria BÖÖS

Swedish surname pronounced 'burse'.

Family record last updated: 12 March 2022

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