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Thomas SHAW
(~1780 - )

Married: 9 Jan 1833; Kirkheaton Parish Church, Huddersfield, Yorkshire [301]
Henry SHAW
(1806 - 1875)
(1811 - 1886)
 bd.  1 Oct 1806; Taylor Hill, Huddersfield, Yorkshire UK
 bpd.  19 Oct 1806; St Peter's church, Huddersfield, Yorkshire UK
 dd.  7 June 1875, age 68; Spring Street, Huddersfield, Yorkshire UK
 occ.  Cloth Manufacturer 1841;
Woollen Manufacturer 1851;
Commercial Traveller 1861;
Woollen Merchant 1871, 1875
 res.  Various (see note), UK
 src.   [271],[301]
 bd.  1811; Kirkheaton, Huddersfield, Yorkshire UK
 dd.  22 Nov 1886, age about 75; 86 Fitzwilliam Street, Huddersfield, Yorkshire UK
 res.  Various (see note), UK
 src.   [271],[301]

Children (4):

Hannah Maria SHAW (1833 - )
James Milner SHAW (1835 - )
Frederick Henry SHAW (1842 - 1902)
Herbert Thomas SHAW (~1852 - )

Notes for Henry SHAW

At various times in his life Henry lived at: Spring Street, Huddersfield 1841, 1875; Black Boy Commercial Hotel, Black Boy Yard, Nottingham 1861 (travelling for business at time of census). [301]

From the Huddersfield Examiner, Friday 7 March 1902, in reporting the death of Henry's son F. H. Shaw JP, "… with his brother John William Shaw, they manufactured woollen products at Lockwood, Huddersfield, where they built Victoria Mills. They also carried on business as Messrs J. W. and H. Shaw, as woollen merchants. [301]

The Huddersfield Chronicle, Saturday May 10 1873 reported the dissolution of the Partnership between Henry Shaw, Benjamin Eastwood, and Frederick Henry Shaw, as John William and Henry Shaw, woollen cloth merchants, St George's Square, Huddersfield; Henry Shaw retiring from November 30th last. [301]

Notes for Mary MILNER

In addition to the marital home at Spring Street, Huddersfield, Mary lived at: Victoria Hotel, Promenade, Southport 1861 (vacation at time of census); 86 Fitzwilliam Street, Huddersfield 1881, 1886 [301]

In her Will Mary made special provision for her son Herbert Thomas Shaw who had "... lately been in weak health and having suffered losses in business ...". A later codicil states "... it has come to my knowledge that my son Frederick Henry Shaw has from feelings of affection paid considerable sums of money in the maintenance or otherwise for the benefit of his brother Herbert Shaw and it is my desire to express satisfaction ...". She then directs that Frederick should be reimbursed his expense from her estate. [301]


271.  Email, Frederick Anthony Shaw, 12 November 2014
301.  Document, Danika Lloyd, Family History Helpers, 27 September 2016

Family record last updated: 27 Sept 2016

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