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Frederick ARNOLD
(1796 - 1873)
Jane Sarah Mary PIGGOTT
(1803 - 1884)

Sir Alfred ARNOLD JP
Catherine COMBER
 dd.  Deceased, age not recorded
 occ.  Barrister at Law
 res.  UK
 src.   [249]
 dd.  Deceased, age not recorded
 res.  UK
 src.   [249]

Children (2):

Charles Comber ARNOLD ( - 1913)
Alfreda ARNOLD

Notes for Alfred ARNOLD JP

He was a Trustee of the Piggott Trust, was described as 'of Woodroyde, Halifax' and received a knighthood on 18 July 1903. See further information on a separate page, link above.


249.  Document, Reginald Stewart BODDINGTON, 1889, Pedigree of the Family of BODDINGTON

Family record last updated: 21 March 2023

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