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(1850 - 1937)
Elizabeth Mary PASK-HUGHES
( - 1930)

Married: 12 Oct 1910; Stoneleigh, Warwickshire, UK
2nd Lt Ralph Thomas BODDINGTON
(1883 - 1917)
Muriel Jessie HARRIS
(1888 - 1990)
 bd.  8 June 1883; Selly Park, Birmingham
 dd.  2 Nov 1917, age 34; Gaza
 edu.  1895: King Edward VII School, Edgbaston, Birmingham
1902: Merton College, Oxford [100]
 occ.  Solicitor, Hooper, Ryland & Boddington [71],[100]
 rel.  Anglican [100]
 mil.  03/1915: Arden Volunteer Rifle Corps
WWI: British army, Private 23610 Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry
WWI: British army, 1st/10th Battalion, London Regiment (TF)
Second Lieutenant London Regiment 25th London Battalion [269],[315]
 res.  Before 1910: Hillfield Hall, Solihull, Warwickshire
1910: Barras, Kenilworth Road, Berkswell, Warwickshire, UK
 src.   [269]
 bd.  20 July 1888
 dd.  4 Sept 1990, age 102
 brd.  Stafford UK
 edu.  Boarding School: Amplin Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham
Finishing School: Bonn, Germany
 rel.  Anglican
 res.  1910: Barras, Kenilworth Road, Berkswell, Warwickshire
A hotel in Sidmouth, Devonshire
Residential home, Cannock Chase, Staffordshire, UK
 src.   [100]
Spouses: 1, 2

The nine Boddington family children at home

Sam Boddington remembering his 3x great uncle Ralph Thomas Boddington 2nd Lt Ralph Thomas BODDINGTON, grave in Gaza cemetery 2nd Lt Ralph Thomas BODDINGTON (b.1883) 2nd Lt Ralph Thomas BODDINGTON (b.1883)


Paul BODDINGTON (1913 - 1998)

Notes for Ralph Thomas BODDINGTON

He lived in the small village of Berkswell and is listed on the war memorial there, as well as on the Roll of Honour mounted at the North Warwickshire Golf Club.

Burial location: Gaza War Cemetery, grave XIV.D.2.

John Elliott, great great nephew, in his official capacity with the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office in Jerusalem, attended a Service of Remembrance and Dedication at Gaza War Cemetery on Wednesday 8th November 2017. [269]

Sam Boddington is pictured with the remembrance cross that he proudly placed in front of Berkswell war memorial on the 100th anniversary of RTB's death. Ralph was Sam's great great great uncle. By extraordinary coincidence, Sam attended the junior school next door to the war memorial. [316],[396]

Ralph's comments appear in his sister's domestic Visitor Book. [269]

An excellent note on Ralph's life can be found on the Solihull Life website [315]

Notes for Muriel Jessie HARRIS

After the death of her first husband she married again and lived at Malden, Sidmouth, Devonshire UK.


71.  Book, Imperial War Museum
100.  Email, Justin Kibble, 13 November 2004
269.  Personal information, Tim Boddington (Webmaster)
315.  Website, 04 November 2017, Solihull Life
316.  Email, Meriel Boddington, 02 November 2017
396.  Public archive, Christopher Boddington, 18 June 2022, The Submariners Memorial

Family record last updated: 17 July 2013

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