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(~1787 - <1841)
(~1790 - 1842)

Married: 1 Feb 1842; St Mary's, Lambeth, London UK
Thomas Albert BODDINGTON
(1809 - 1882)
Charlotte Elizabeth 'Eliza' TILLEY
(~1815 - 1865)
 bd.  10 Nov 1809; London UK
 bpd.  6 Dec 1812; St Mary's Whitechapel, London UK [207]
 dd.  7 May 1882, age 72; Western Australia
 occ.  Baker
 res.  Australia
 src.   [280]
 bd.  About 1815; Chelsea, Middlesex UK
 dd.  12 April 1865, age about 49; Western Australia
 res.  Australia
 src.   [66]

Children (9):

Eliza BODDINGTON (~1842 - )
Ann BODDINGTON (~1845 - )
George BODDINGTON (~1847 - )
Julia BODDINGTON (1850 - )
Henry BODDINGTON (1851 - 1928)
Matilda BODDINGTON (~1852 - )
Emma BODDINGTON (~1854 - )
Albert Charles BODDINGTON (1858 - 1914)
aka. Alfred BODDINGTON

Notes for Thomas Albert BODDINGTON

Thomas Albert was born before his mother's marriage to Thomas BODDINGTON, so we can't be certain who his father was. However, as he was named Thomas perhaps this was after Thomas BODDINGTON who Ann later married. [Webmaster]

1827 Acquitted from charge of larceny (theft).
1840 Acquitted from charge of receiving stolen goods.
1842 family still living in Whitechapel.
Last known address in London UK was 10 Broad Street, Lambeth, Middlesex (street no longer exists).
21 Oct 1850 He received 10 years for receiving stolen goods; Central Criminal Court. Transported. Sent out to Australia 30 October 1851 on the good ship Marion and arrived 31 January 1852. His wife and seven children followed arriving in Perth in October 1854. They then lived in Fremantle, Australia. On completion of sentence he became an Expiree who stayed in Australia. [207]

Notes for Charlotte Elizabeth 'Eliza' TILLEY

Of 42 Broad Street, Lambeth, Middlesex UK (now London UK). Eliza followed her husband to Western Australia arriving on 14 Oct 1854, on the Esmeralda. They then lived in Fremantle, Australia. [66]


66.  Email, Jenny Swift, 17 February 2003
207.  Email, Moyna, 4 January 2010
280.  Email, Sandra Fallon, 25 November 2015, Judge family

Family record last updated: 20 Aug 2024

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