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Henry SHAW
(1806 - 1875)
William HODGE
(1822 - 1897)
(1811 - 1886)
Eliza HILL
(1831 - )

Married: 18 Sept 1867; Holy Saviours Church, Tynemouth UK [301]
Frederick Henry SHAW JP
(1842 - 1902)
Sophia Ann HODGE
(1848 - 1917)
 bd.  5 Aug 1842; Spring Street, Huddersfield, Yorkshire UK
 dd.  6 March 1902, age 59; Inglewood, Birkby Road, Huddersfiled
 brd.  8 March 1902; Lindley church, Huddersfield, Yorkshire UK
 occ.  Woollen Manufacturer 1861;
Woollen Cloth Merchant from at least 1871 until his death
 rel.  Brought up a Baptist but became Anglican in later life
 res.  Inglewood, Birkby Road, Huddersfield, Yorkshire, UK
 src.   [271],[301]
 bd.  14 June 1848; 16 Grainger Street, Saint Andrew, Newcastle, Northumberland UK
 dd.  1 Oct 1917, age 69; Inglewood, Birkby Road, Huddersfiled, Yorkshire UK
 brd.  Lindley church, Huddersfield, Yorkshire UK
 res.  Inglewood, Birkby Road, Huddersfiled, Yorkshire, UK
 src.   [271],[301]

Frederick Henry & Sophia Ann Shaw, together with their children, about 1885 Shaw family grave at Lindley parish church Gravestone memorial Name engraved into Inglewood house gate-post Lindley parish church

Children (7):

Elsie Beatrice SHAW (1868 - )
Alice Muriel SHAW (1871 - 1930)
Frederick Arthur SHAW (1873 - 1928)
Winifred SHAW (1874 - 1934)
Sophia Kathleen 'Kit' SHAW (1876 - 1955)
Percy Burnop SHAW (1878 - )
[Died in infancy]

Notes for Frederick Henry SHAW JP

Frederick financially supported his brother Herbert. This is explained in his mother's Will which is noted on her page. [301]

Frederick was, in 1900, senior churchwarden at his parish church in Lindley, Huddersfield. [301]

Shaw family page set:
Shaw family;
Frederick Henry Shaw, obituaries;
Frederick Arthur Shaw, visitor book;
Shaw family and their relationship to the Boddington family.

Notes for Sophia Ann HODGE

Sophia was born at 16 Grainger Street, Newcastle upon Tyne. The street still exists but the building is a re-development. It's present use is as a Wetherspoon pub called The Mile Castle. The building was previously the Newcastle upon Tyne Savings Bank.

Press notice: Probate at Wakefield 17 January [1918] to William Johnson and Arnold John Boddington of independent means. Effects £8871 8s. 8d. [301]


271.  Email, Frederick Anthony Shaw, 12 November 2014
301.  Document, Danika Lloyd, Family History Helpers, 27 September 2016

Family record last updated: 27 Oct 2016

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