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Revd Herbert James BODINGTON
(1849 - )
Louise Augusta MARES
(1853 - )

Captain Cecil Herbert Wyndham BODINGTON
(1880 - 1917)
 bd.  20 Jan 1880; Rectory, Suffield, Norfolk UK
 bpd.  22 Feb 1893; Suffield, Norfolk UK
 dd.  11 April 1917, age 37; Hyderabad Redoubt, Roeux (Arras) France
 edu.  Charterhouse Junior School and the King's School, Canterbury; Peterhouse, Cambridge, 1899, BA June 1902
 occ.  Teacher at Elstree and Stanmore Preparatory Schools
 rel.  CofE
 mil.  Royal Horse Guards; Captain in No 4 Company, Household Battalion
 res.  UK
 src.   [350],[356],[364]
 dd.  Deceased, age not recorded
 res.  UK
 src.   [351],[356]

Notes for Cecil Herbert Wyndham BODINGTON

See the web page for a full obituary from Kings School, Canterbury, war memorial.

Following text taken from Cambridge Alumni, Volume I: Bodington, Cecil Herbert, Adm. pens. at PETERHOUSE, Dec 4 1898. 2nd Son of Herbert James Bodington Vicar of Upton Gray [sic], Hants. Born Jan 20 1880, at Suffield, Norfolk Schools, Charterhouse and King's, Canterbury. Matric. Michs.1899. Scholar, B.A. 1902. Went to the Cape. Sometime Tutor in India to the three sons of the Maharaja of Kapurthala. afterwards Master at Stanmore Park School, Stanmore. there in 1908. Served in the Great War (Capt., Royal Horse Guards, and Household Battalion). Killed in action April 11, 1917, aged 37. (7:A. Walker, 644, Schoolmasters Directory. Vis. of UK and Wales, XIV; The Times, April 28, 1917).


350.  Document, Ann Johnston, 2 December 2007
351.  Document, Deborah Bodington, RI USA, March 2008
356.  Document, John Hamblin
364.  Document, Visitation of England & Wales

Family record last updated: 21 March 2023

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