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(1801 - 1880)
John ROE
(1806 - >1880)

Married: 3 Nov 1848; Northampton Parish Church [15]
(1830 - 1908)
Harriett ROE
(1830 - 1902)
 bd.  22 Sept 1830; Northampton UK
 dd.  18 Jan 1908, age 77 [24]
 occ.  Shoe maker
 res.  Northampton UK
Toronto, Canada
 src.   [6],[205]
 bd.  20 Sept 1830; Woodford, Northamptonshire UK
 dd.  6 Dec 1902, age 72 [24]
 res.  Northampton UK
Toronto, Canada
 src.   [6],[205]

Charles Boddington family c.1890

Charles BODDINGTON (b.1830)

Children (15):

Elizabeth Eaton 'Lizzie' BODDINGTON (1849 - 1893)
Mary Ann BODDINGTON (1850 - 1851)
[Died as infant]
Harriet Deborah BODDINGTON (1852 - 1852)
[Died as infant]
Ellen Harriett BODDINGTON (1853 - 1942)
Alice Dinah BODDINGTON (1855 - 1897)
Julia Ann May BODDINGTON (1857 - )
Charles Thomas BODDINGTON (1858 - 1917)
William John BODDINGTON (1860 - 1928)
George Edward BODDINGTON (1862 - 1862)
[Died as infant]
Mary Jane BODDINGTON (1863 - 1903)
Harriet Louisa BODDINGTON (1865 - 1916)
Walter Edward BODDINGTON (1867 - 1948)
George Albert BODDINGTON (1869 - 1948)
Arthur Joseph BODDINGTON (1871 - 1915)
Francis James BODDINGTON (1872 - 1947)

Family notes for Charles BODDINGTON and Harriett ROE

The Marriage Certificate shows that Charles was illiterate and unable to sign his own name. Harriett could sign. One of the Witnesses was Charles's sister Mary Ann, also unable to sign her own name. [15]

Charles Boddington family picture:

Standing back row: George Albert, Charles Thomas, William John, Walter Edward, Ellen Harriett
Sitting middle row: Harriot Louisa, mother Harriett ROE, Elizabeth Eaton, father Charles BODDINGTON, Alice Dinah, Mary Jane (standing)
Sitting on the floor: Arthur Joseph, Francis James

Notes for Charles BODDINGTON

Charles Boddington & family, Frederick Balmer, his brothers George and Philip, all emigrated from Northampton to Toronto in about 1871 or 1872. [6]

Charles stands at the head of the family that accounts for almost every Boddington in the USA and Canada! I (the webmaster) know of only three other Boddington families in north America who are not descended from Charles. [269]


6.  Email, John Balmer, 11 February 2001
15.  Email, Barbara Teague, 6 April 2001
24.  Email, Paul Boddington, 1 August 2001
205.  Document, Lynn Coulter née Boddington, 2009, Melody Island Memories, self published
269.  Personal information, Tim Boddington (Webmaster)

Family record last updated: 23 April 2023

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