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Frederick Henry SHAW JP


From the Huddersfield Examiner, Friday 7th March 1902

Death of Mr. F. H. Shaw J.P. of Inglewood.

In the evening edition of the Examiner on Thursday it was our painful duty to record, briefly, as the sad news only came to hand late, that Mr. Frederick Henry Shaw, J.P., of Inglewood, had passed away suddenly. Mr Shaw had not been well for some time. In fact, about Christmas, he was suffering from a severe cold, but nothing serious was apprehended. About a fortnight ago Mr. Shaw was attacked with inflammation of the windpipe, and his medical adviser, Dr. Rolfe, was called in, and the patient's health so far improved that he was able to attend to business on Tuesday. He stayed at home on Wednesday, and it was expected that he would be able to be at the warehouse again on Thursday; but about half-past one in the afternoon he died suddenly from failure of the heart's action.

Mr. Shaw was the son of Mr. Henry Shaw, who died many years ago, and who, with his brother, Mr. John William Shaw, started manufacturing at Lockwood, where they built Victoria Mills. They also carried on business as Messrs. J. W. and H. Shaw, and woollen merchants, but about forty-five years ago they separated, and Mr. Henry Shaw thereafter carried on the business of woollen cloth merchant in St. George's Square, under the title of Messrs. J. W. and H. Shaw. Mr. F. H. Shaw afterwards became a member of the firm, as did also Mr. Benjamin Eastwood, of Fitzwilliam Street, who retired from the firm some time ago.

Mr. F. H. Shaw was a man of wide sympathies, and he was enthusiastic in the interests of any cause he espoused. He was a warm supporter of the Lifeboat Institution, and some years ago when there was held in Huddersfield a demonstration on behalf of the institution, he was one of the prominent leaders in it, along with the late Mr. Henry Kilner.

Mr. Shaw took a very active part in the Huddersfield and Holmfirth Fire Brigades Friendly Society years ago, and to the last maintained a very warm interest in its welfare. He was a trustee and vice-president of the society. For many years, when a fire occurred, he was often one of the first to attend and render practical help.

Mr. Shaw was one of the founders of the Huddersfield Golf Club, and along with Mr. J. H. Dransfield, was joint secretary, for the first year of the club's existence, and he afterwards joined the committee on which he served well. He was an enthusiastic golfer, and his death will be much regretted by the members, who will miss his genial presence at their gatherings.

Mr. Shaw's support of and interest in local institutions, such as the Penny Bank, the Huddersfield Chamber of Commerce (on the Council of which he served in 1893 and 1894), and the Infirmary (on the Board of Management of which he served for a period of three years) are too well known to need special reference.

Mr. Shaw took great interest in the Volunteer movement, and his two sons—Mr. Arthur Shaw and Mr. Percy Shaw—joined the Huddersfield Volunteers as lieutenants. The former became captain in the local battalion, and on going to Frome, Somersetshire for business reasons joined the Volunteers there. Mr. Percy Shaw offered himself for service in South Africa, and joined the Imperial Yeomanry force, in which he took a commission, and extracts from one or two of his letters have been published in the Examiner. He is still in South Africa.

Religiously Mr. Shaw was brought up as a Baptist, and attended with his father at Bath Buildings Chapel; but of late years he and his family attended Lindley Church, of which the family have proved very warm supporters.

Politically Mr. Shaw was brought up as a Liberal; but at the time when Mr. Gladstone brought in his Home Rule Bill for Ireland he found that he could not follow him, and joined in the formation of the Huddersfield Liberal Unionist Association, of which body at the time of his death he was a vice-president.

Mr. Shaw became a Borough Magistrate on the 12th of June, 1899, and so far as we could observe he was always ready to "temper justice with mercy," and had a tender side for those who were poor and helpless.

Mr. Shaw leaves a widow, two sons, and four daughters to mourn their sad and sudden bereavement.

The flag is displayed half-mast high on the warehouse in St. George's Square.

From the Huddersfield Examiner, Monday 10th March 1902

Funeral of Mr. F. H. Shaw

The funeral of the late Mr. Fredk. Henry Shaw, of Inglewood, Edgerton, and a member of the firm of Messrs J. W. & H. Shaw, took place on Saturday. Many tokens of regret and mourning were shown, and in the immediate vicinity of the late residence of the deceased gentleman, all the blinds had been drawn. About one o'clock a detachment of twenty police, under Sergt. Smith, and eight firemen, under Superintendent Cundall, the whole under the chief constable (Mr. J. Morton) assembled outside the house, having been conveyed from the centre of the town by a special car. In the meantime, a large number of mourners had also put in an appearance, and subsequently a move was made for Lindley Church, where the interment was to take place. The principal mourners were Mr. F. A. Shaw (son), Mr. and Mrs. W. Johnson, of Harrogate (son-in-law and daughter), Master Guy Johnson, Misses Muriel and Kathleen Shaw (daughters), and Mr. Boddington (son-in-law). Among others present were the Mayor (Alderman Ernest Woodhead, M.A.), Alderman J. E. Williams, J.P., Mr. Charles Mills, Mr T. P. Crossland, Mr. J. Le~ Walker, Mr. F. W. Bentley, Mr. John W. Crossley, Mr. T. Heron, Mr. B. Eastwood (a late partner of the firm of the deceased gentleman), and Mr. H. B. Hope. Mr. F. Varley and Mr. D. F. Eastwood (present partners); Mr. F. C. Wigglesworth, Mr. John E. Webb, and Mr. Michael Sykes, vice-presidents, and Mr. Frank Shaw, secretary, of the Huddersfield Liberal Unionist Club; Mr. J. W. Sykes, Mr. A. J. Brooke, Mr. B. Field, and Mr. Herbert Smith, representing the Commercial Travellers' Association; Mr. G, D. Moxon junr., of the London City and Midland Bank; Mr. C. E. Drake, representing W. E. Yates Ltd., manufacturers, Leeds; and Mr. T. E. Watkinson, of Standeven and Co., Halifax. There were also present all the workpeople engaged at the warehouse of Messrs. J. W. and Henry Shaw, ten of whom acted as bearers. A number of carriages were sent as follows :—Mr. F. W. Bentley, Mr. Jos. Brooke, Mrs. Sam Learoyd (Sherwood House), Colonel John Liddle (Burbank, Edgerton), Mrs. David Midgley, Mr. Henry Martin, Mr. G. P. Norton, Alderman R. M. Shaw, Mr. John Henry Sykes (Briancliffe), Mr. John Sykes (Acre House, Lindley), Mr. Joseph Woodhead, Alderman E. B. Woodhead, Mr. John Lee Walker, and Mr. W. E. Wimpenny. A large number of floral tributes had also been sent. The procession to Lindley Church was headed by the police, among whom were included Captain Harper, of Messrs. Hollins and Co.'s brigade; and Mr. G. W. Haigh, the hon. sec. of the Huddersfield and Holmfirth Fire Brigades Friendly Society. They were followed by a number of gentlemen and workpeople, and then the hearse, behind which were the carriages containing the principal mourners, and a number of empty carriages brought up the rear. As the sad and solemn procession slowly wended its way along Bryan Road and Occupation Road, leading to the church, the blinds at all the houses had been drawn. As the church was neared, muffled peals were rung on the bells. A funeral service was conducted in the church by the vicar, the Rev. A. H. W. Ridsdale, and amongst the congregation, in addition to those gentlemen whose names have been mentioned, were :—Alderman Alfred Walker, Alderman John Sugden, Mr. F. Eastwood, Mr. Joshua Marshall, Mr. J. E. Sykes, Mr. F. W. Robinson, Mr. J. J. Grist, and the Rev. Joel Mallinson. Mr. F. S. Wilkinson, one of the churchwardens, also was present, along with the sidesmen, Mr. R. H. Lendrum, Mr. G. L. Firth, Mr. J. W. Hirst, and Mr. H. Peckett. The chancel, pulpit, and lectern had been draped in black. Before the service commenced the organist, Mr. T. Robins, played appropriate music for the occasion, including "O rest in the Lord," Mendelssohn's "Songs without words," (op. 26), and the trio in Gunnod's "Funeral March." The service, which was a most impressive and solemn one, was commenced with the singing of the hymn "The sands of time are sinking," followed by the 90th Psalm, to the beautiful chant by Felton. An appropriate lesson was read by the Vicar, and shortly afterwards the service closed with the hymn, "Now the labourer's task is o'er." As the coffin, which had been placed before the lectern, was being conveyed outside, and, as the mourners and congregation slowly filed out of the church, the "Dead March" in "Saul" was played on the organ. The concluded part of the burial service was then read by the Vicar, and the coffin, which was of polished oak, with brass furnishings, and which bore the simple inscription, "Fredk. Henry Shaw, born Aug. 5th, 1842, died March 6th, 1902," was deposited in its last resting place. A large number of persons who had assembled gradually dispersed. The arrangements were carried out by Messrs. B. Oxley & Sons, of Huddersfield.

The most noticeable aspect of the funeral is the absence of Mrs. Sophia SHAW, Frederick's widow, leading the mourners. This was at a time when women didn't always attend funerals, although on this occasion three of Frederick's daughters did attend. Winifred is not listed as being present although her husband, Arnold John Boddington, is. Youngest son, Percy Burnop Shaw, did not attend due to him then living in South Africa.

Frederick Henry SHAW "… left gross value of estate valued at £42,804 2s. 4d., including net personality £40,062 18s. 11d." A considerable sum in 1902, illustrating his undoubted success as a businessman.

Shaw family page set


I am very much indebted to Danika Lloyd, who undertook the research to discover the history of the Shaw family. I am also most indebted to Mrs Elizabeth Knights for bringing the Metchley Visitors Book to my notice and for sending it to me.

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