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Thomas Aubrey BODDINGTON
(1893 - 1955)
James Ernest KIRKMAN
Mary Constance Turnbridge 'Dolly' ANGELO
(1894 - 1980)

Married: 19 June 1948; Perth Western Australia [70]
(1926 - 2012)
Barbara Olive KIRKMAN
(1925 - )
 bd.  11 Feb 1926; Mullewa, Western Australia
 dd.  26 Nov 2012, age 86; Kojonup, Western Australia
 occ.  Owned Jingemarra station from 1956 until he sold it in 1978.
 mil.  12 February 1944; RAAF 441836, Leading Aircraftsman, 7 Aircraft Depot, Tocumwal
 res.  Australia
 src.   [17],[70],[280]
 bd.  1925
 dd.  Possibly deceased, aged over 96
 occ.  Medical Sister; relief at the Yalgoo Nursing Post.
 res.  Australia
 src.   [17],[70]


Living children not displayed

Ian George BODDINGTON (1951 - 1971)

Notes for David Aubrey BODDINGTON

Shire councillor for 16 years, two of which he was President. [70]


17.  Document, Alex Palmer, 1985, Yalgoo, Lap Industries
70.  Email, Bruce Boddington, 29 May 2003
280.  Email, Sandra Fallon, 25 November 2015, Judge family

Family record last updated: 17 July 2013

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